So... there was no fermentation at all in the pumpkin spice. I waited through the weekend to see if it was just slow, but nothing was changing. Wine friend suggested it was too cold, so I put my heating pad on high under it and hoped. Still nothing. As a last resort, I went back to the wine store to get another packet of yeast. This really is a complete last resort, because one packet of yeast is a LOT of yeast, and the odds of every single spore in there being dead is very very very low. But I had nothing else to try, so might as well.
While there, I ran through my issue with the guy over the counter. He asked if I'd checked the specific gravity (I had.. as much as I could with as goopy and viscous as it is), when I'd pitched it, and the like. He, too, was baffled, as that particular yeast is known for being able to handle very extreme conditions, and is often used to restart stuck fermentations where other yeasts fail. The temperature range is HUGE (down to 50F, which my house never gets that low. It stays around 70 in winter), has a high alcohol tolerance, needs few nutrients, and can handle incredibly high sugars. It should have worked!
He ended up giving me another packet for free and suggested that I just sprinkle this one on the top instead of rehydrating and activating it, as that is what he always does. It's not unknown for a whole packet of yeast to be dead, but it is rare, and he said that that's the only thing he could think of, as he knows that "[I] know what [I'm] doing". That did make me feel better, that after 3 batches, I'm considered knowledgeable and not a beginner, because I sure as hell don't feel like I'm all that experienced! Just ask Wine Friend. I pepper her with questions all the time at work!
Anyways, on Monday I got home, stirred the must (which, after sitting in pectinase for coming up on a week, is pretty gross and goopy looking), and sprinkled the yeast on top. And hoped.
Apparently I *did* get a bad pack of yeast!
Within an hour, the yeast had puffed up and started foaming a bit, which showed they were prodicuing carbon dioxide. It was such a fantastic sight! I very very gently stirred the must before going to bed, making sure to leave some yeast on the top, just in case the sudden transition to a place with very little oxygen would kill things.
The next morning, I saw a FEW bubbles popping up, but not as many as I was hoping. But at least there were some bubbles. I attributed it to the fact that the must is so damn thick that it's hard for gas to get to the surface. A vigorous stir and more came up, but still not in the amounts I was getting with my last two batches.
But... things took a turn for the better in the next few days! Every stir has been easier and less thick. More bubbles come to the surface and fizz every time, and I see more when I take off the lid, too! This morning (Thursday) it was FINALLY thin enough that I could accurately measure the specific gravity (1.100) so fermentation is DEFINITELY happening! I'm so relieved!
We will probably rack it into the secondaries tonight. I say "we" because the nylon bag is SO HEAVY with pumpkin, goop, and spices, that I can't hold it by myself and let it drain. I'm going to need Boyfriend's help with this one. Maybe later I'll have a video showing the airlock blooping away.
I've been tasting the actual liquid this whole time, and if this is what it's going to taste like, but with alcohol in it, this is going to be a seriously awesome wine and I will need to make this every year. It seriously tastes just like a pumpkin pie. Though I haven't been able to taste much alcohol in it yet. Right now, the tang is more "Not sure if alcohol, or just ginger".
I feel like a cross between a 3 year old (BUBBLES!!!) and Dr. Frankenstein (IT'S ALIIIIIIIIVE!!).