Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why can't I have a hobby that has an immediate payoff...

Hi! I'm Ashley, and odds are you already know who I am, where I work, what I do, and likely even the names of all the furry animals I have in the house. And my boyfriend, who is not included in the furry animals part, but is quite furry indeed. However, if you found this through a Google search or for some reason this becomes REALLY big in the next years and you're just looking at all my past posts, then welcome!

(If you know me, you can probably skip this post... nothing to see here. These are not the droids you're looking for...)

Why is this called "Science Wine"? Mainly because I'm about as creative as a brick, but then someone had to figure out how to make a brick, which was pretty creative in and of itself. So I guess I'm even LESS creative than a brick. See, I'm a scientist. Lab coat and everything, honest! And this blog is about my wine making advetures. So... Scientist makes wine.... Science Wine! Also, it's not really about the science OF wine as I won't get all "And yeast are metabolizing the sugar and producing alcohol because...........". Why? Because, well, I do science 40 hours a week. I don't feel like delving into the biochemical mysteries of fermentation. Also because my degree is in Biochemistry. And that's more than enough Biochemistry for me.

However, being as I am a scientist, I am at least in part interested in the science behind it. Just not enough to write a book on it. Also, wine (well, really, ethanol) is produced due to a chain of chemical reactions within the yeast. Add all the energizers, nutrients, acids (if necessary), etc etc.. and it's pretty much a home science kit. That later can get you drunk. Wine is made from science! Therefore... Science Wine!

Now how did a mild mannered (those of you who know me... stop laughing) scientist decide to make wine? (Other than the occasional "Oh... those... strawberries have been in there a while... haven't they?" accidental fermentation). Well....

Sometime last year (Summer 2012), I was looking to buy a house. (Yes, this is relevant to the wine.. just hold on.) I mentioned to my co-workers that my boyfriend was going to give me a fig tree as a housewarming present. Because while I am horrid at growing most plants, I would put in the effort if said plant were going to give me something other than a pretty flower to look at. I am all for things that give you food as a reward. I'd be a great lab rat. Another co-worker, overhearing the fig discussion commented offhand that figs make beautiful and great wines. Having never had pure fig wine, I was intruiged, and thus the discussion of homemade wine was started.

Over the next year, I picked her brain about making wine. Where to get supplies (she came with me to get all the setup stuff I'd need), recipies, problems that can arise, what fruits make the best kinds of dry, sweet, full, light etc... I'd originally planned to start at Thanksgiving 2012, but after buying a house, things got a bit hectic and it fell by the wayside.

But now... I'm back, baby! Let the fun times begin!

(Oh and as for the title of this post, I was talking to my boyfriend once about how I also wanted to make cheese and he looked at me in exasperation saying "Why can't you have a hobby that DOESN'T take years to find out if you did things right?")

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